How Safe Is Breast Reduction Surgery in Singapore

Breast reduction surgery is an intrusive surgery where doctors remove fat breast tissues and extra skin to make the breast smaller. Although it is sometimes considered cosmetic, it is primarily reconstructive because it is often performed for health reasons.

Breast reduction surgery has a 95% success rate. Before going under the knife, most patients want to know, “How safe is breast reduction surgery?”. 

Breast reduction surgery in Singapore has one of the highest success rates compared to other surgeries. However, like with other surgeries, there are some risks.


Breast Reduction Scars

One of the primary concerns of breast reduction surgery in Singapore is the risk of scarring. Unfortunately, like other surgeries, breast reconstruction may leave some scars. Surgeons try to limit it as much as possible, but scarring and bruising are usually a possibility.

The challenge with scarring is it isn’t limited to the breasts’ appearance. The scars itch and can be pretty uncomfortable. The scars may also become bigger (keloid scars) with time.

Fortunately, not all surgeries result in keloid scars. Some breast reduction surgeries result in hypertrophic scars, which fade over time. However, with the technology available in Singapore, the appearance of these scars can be improved with lasers and other methods.

The type of scars will depend on the following;

  • The type of breast reconstruction procedure (vertical or inverted surgery)
  • Breast size
  • Breast shape
  • The skill of the surgeon performing the surgery
  • After surgery care – you can prevent scarring by applying an anti-scar cream, staying away from the sun until you heal, and using silicone bandages. You should also redress the wound regularly.


Changes In Nipple Sensation

Doctors often avoid interfering with the nipples during breast reduction surgery. However, some of the nerves around the nipples may be affected, resulting in changes in nipple sensitivity (higher or lower).

In some cases, patients experience a loss in nipple sensitivity. Often, these changes are temporary. As the breast heals and adjusts to the new size and shape, sensations in the nipple may improve.


Post-surgery Infections

Although rare, post-surgery infections may occur. This may be due to an allergic reaction to the tape or tools. It may also be due to sensitivity to medications or topical creams used. Some of the signs to look out for include;

  • Tenderness
  • Redness
  • A discharge
  • Chills
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Fever

You should contact your doctor as soon as you notice these symptoms.


Wrong Breast Size and Shape

Before you go for breast reduction surgery in Singapore, the surgeon will ask about your desired breast size. Some doctors may also suggest the ideal breast size, especially if you are doing it for health reasons. For example, if you experience chronic back and neck pain.

Often, reconstruction reduces breast size by a cup or two. However, the measures may be more drastic for women with very large breasts.

Unfortunately, the only thing the doctors can guarantee is a breast reduction. Most doctors aim to get to the desired size as much as possible, but the size may be slightly bigger or smaller. There are also no guarantees on the shape.

It may take months for the breast tissues to get into shape, so you must be patient.

The advantage is you still get a breast lift, which naturally improves the appearance of the breasts. This explains why most patients are satisfied with breast reduction surgery in Singapore, even when there are variations in size and shape.


Delayed Healing

Recovery after breast reduction surgery is expected to take at least three weeks. However, long-term recovery can take longer, usually 3 – 6 months.

Some people go even longer, depending on how much breast tissue was removed and how fast it takes the body to adjust to the changes. Unfortunately, there are no guarantees about how long it will take you to recover.

You may return to your everyday work routine within a few weeks, but you must be cautious not to over-exert yourself.

These are some of the drawbacks of breast reconstruction surgery. They vary from patient to patient, but the surgery is generally safe and proven to be a relief for most women who need it.